Auto insurance for teenagers can be much more expensive than for adults because reports consider teens to get more into accidents than adults do. There can also be additional expenses depending on car type and location. What you need to do is try your best to get a lower price with better coverage. Once you are through with your market research you are ready to delve in the bigger problems.
A good money saving idea is to include your teen to your existing auto insurance policy rather than get him a new one. This will give your teen the status of occasional driver and save you the extra cost of a principal driver policy.
The type of cars that will get you a high costs are mostly sports cars and brand new ones. Four door cars cost lower than two door cars. You should remember to get a lot of liability coverage on your auto. Consider getting liability coverage rather than collision insurance.
Even after you have bought the insurance you can keep checking for better rates because teen insurance prices tend to drop in about six months or so. You can also get new discounts offers for your teen in this way.
You can pay for your child's insurance as long as you want but it is a good idea if you plan to give them some responsibility teaching by making them responsible for at least a portion of the cost of auto insurance, and also for any increase due to traffic violations. This way you can also teach them to be more careful.
Author: Cyma Rizwan Khan
About the author:
Taking the sting out of insurance!
Article source: Free Insurance Articles.
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