How to drive safely

Driving today can be a frustrating and stressful experience. There are more cars on the roads and everyone seems to be in a mad rush. There are ways to keep your cool, drive with confidence and safely in all traffic conditions. Here are some useful tips on how to become a safer driver.

Drive smoothly
When you master the art of driving smoothly, stress will become a thing of the past, your concentration levels will increase and so will your fuel economy. The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) states that a good, safe drive is a combination of techniques. High on the list of techniques is using your brakes in a smooth and progressive way. Learn to observe and anticipate so that you can apply the brakes early when you need to. Leave braking space between you and the vehicle in front in case you need to stop suddenly. Many drivers brake either too late or too hard. Some drivers have developed the annoying habit of comfort braking in the misguided belief that they are being careful drivers. Comfort braking is when drivers touch their brakes for no other reason than to reassure themselves. Rather learn to read the road, identify potential hazards and adjust your speed accordingly using only the throttle.

Road positioning
Maximise your position on the road. Can you increase your forward view by moving your vehicle to a slightly different position on the carriageway? By changing your position, you may get a better view of the road ahead and around corners. When you reposition your car, change lanes smoothly and avoid any abrupt manoeuvres.

Learn to drive safely
You can take an Advanced Driving Test through IAM. 70% of the quarter of a million drivers that have sat the test, have passed. Over 500 leading British companies have put their drivers through the test, resulting in lower accident rates and reduced car insurance costs.
The Advanced Driving Test gives you a detailed analysis of your performance by the examiner. All the examiners have a Police Advanced Driving Certificate, the highest driving qualification in Britain.
Once you have passed the test, you are eligible to become a member of IAM and gain access to a range of benefits including discounts on windscreen replacement, tyres, car hire, hotels and airport parking, plus special offers on books, road atlases and maps.

Driving posture
Make sure you are comfortable in the driver's seat.
� Pray
Sit in the driver's seat; place your hands together with the fingertips and palms touching, pointing outwards from the chest. Your wrists should be touching your chest. Are your hands pointing at the centre of the steering wheel? If not, the steering wheel may be offset. You can get it repositioned by a mechanic.
� Fist
Do you have enough headroom? With your seat in its normal driving position, you should be able to place your fist on the crown of your head. If you can only manage to fit the flat of your hand between the roof and your head, there is not enough headroom.
Now you know how to drive safely on the road, make sure you have adequate car insurance. Most car insurance companies offer quick and easy motor insurance quotes online.

Author: Simon Macsis

About the author:
For a car insurance quote and more information about the types of motor insurance available from Churchill, visit

Article source: Free Insurance Articles.


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